Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chicken pecking, and scratching, and dropping... Oh my!

Considering that it's still a quite beautiful Summertime in The Hundred Acre Woods By The Inland Sea, every quaint and bucolic village and town is still hosting our Northern Michigan variety of Arts & Crafts Shows, or Farts & Craps depending on the subjective level of quality of the items.

This weekend past was no exception, and being the loyal Michiganders that we are, Barb and I obligingly set off to wander thru a couple of them. It was a hot July mid Summer's late afternoon when we hooked up the team of gerbils to our wagon and set out. Tally Ho! ...and off to Frankfort, for a lovely time of looking at all the various styles of "Beach Jewelry" each piece different, yet all alike. As we promenade along the concourse, dripping sweat and wishing for a breeze, we happily run into friends and acquaintances. Dear Phyllis from Church wastes no time as she buries her nose in Barb's bags of goodies, and happily squeals "I just hafta see what's in there!". After passing inspection of our purchases, and the requisite chit chat, we amble along. We did manage to get some fun stocking stuffers for the kids, and even a birthday gift or two. That, combined with a nice, cold, ice cream treat pretty much made our time there worthwhile.

Thus we head our wagon home to drop off the goodies, and refresh ourselves (and the team of gerbils) before our next adventure.  Earlier in the day, Barb and I were at Krista LeAnn's in Bear Lake to get our hair trimmed (in my case) or cut and styled (in her case) and dear Krista filled our ears with stories of tonight's festivities in Kaleva. In most small villages, the local Hair Stylist is not only the best source of information, but usually is to be regarded as a type of rock star, for all her misadventures in life. And Krista is certainly the rock star of Bear Lake! The fact that she is as beautiful as she is friendly only helps to make her more so.  So, she simply insists that we go to Kaleva Days tonight, to hear her boyfriend's band.

Well, who are we to decline the offer of a rock star? So it's evening and off we go to Kaleva! Woot! Woot! Upon arrival, I decide that since it's my date, we would dine in the splendor of the local Lion's Club trailer. And gnosh well we did. I feasted upon a Sloppy Joe Dog (with chips!) while my bride made little work of a hot dog with sauerkraut. Yes, I pull out all the stops for my lovely wife. Then, into the Beer Garden we happily go... I offer to support the local Fire Department and purchase some wonderfully colf beer, and a non beer but had alcohol drink thingy for Barb.

We run into our dear rock star, and my goodness me, she certainly has been supporting the Fire Department as well! I am truly impressed with her level of devotion to civic duty, and her ability to form words without slurring. *chuckle* Hey, it's a Saturday night, and she can kick up her heels a bit if she wants too. Her boyfriend's band is playing, and so far no one has thrown anything at them, so Life is good. And then we turn around... and see the caged board. And the chicken coop next to it. And then the fun really begins!

I've seen a lot of things in my life, but this one refines my experience of living in Northern Michigan! Oh sure at every Festival is some way to win a Raffle, and the proceeds go to a local not-for-profit organization. sure the Fire Dept sells beer, or the local Lions Club raffles off a kayak. Sure those are nice ways for a group to raise money to continue to serve the community. But this, this my friends truly was the amazement of the night. The head of the Kaleva Beautification Team (which takes run down houses and renovates them) has a 3ft by 3ft board, and divided into squares. In each square is a number. You can bet on what number the chicken is gonna crap on! Oh. My. Gawd! Really! If the chicken craps on your number, then you win. Oh. My. Gawd. This was just too incredible! So imagine about 20 or so people standing around a cage, telling the chicken which number to drop it on, and other various remarks.  And of course, most of the aforementioned good folks were also verdant supporters of the Fire Department, so that just added a bit more, should we say colorful, commentary to the scratchings. I don't think we've ever enjoyed an evening quite like that in our lives! How long before it comes back?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the top picture is me and a butterfly! I finally caught one! The giant grasshopper sculpture is in Kaleva, and the sun is just beautiful.
